Please see below a list of all rates, charges, and fees with a brief explanation of each. Louisiana Sewer Utilities is regulated by the Louisiana Public Service Commission.
Residential Sewer Service
Flat Rate: Monthly charge for sewer service – $42.50.
Tap in Fee: $500.00
This fee is for new construction only, as a one time charge for connection to the collection system, and can only be performed by personnel pre-approved by LSU. Unauthorized or uninspected tap-ins are subject to re-connection charges and/or additional fees incurred in the connection process.
Connection Fee:
$ 150.00 Flat Rate – ( If Camera work is needed ).
$ 100.00 Flat Rate – ( If no Camera work is needed )
This fee covers administrative cost associated with reestablishing service after a change of ownership or new resident.
Reconnection Fee:
$ 125.00 Flat Rate – ( If Water co. Disconnects service ).
$ 375.00 Flat Rate – ( Disconnection Fee ).
$ 375.00 Flat Rate – ( Re-connection Fee ).
This Charge is for re-establishing service after disconnection for non- payment, failure to make deposit, Fraudulent or seasonal use.
Service Charge:
$ 75.00 – ( During normal business hours ).
$ 100.00 – ( After Hours, Weekends, or Holidays ).
The Service charge is applied to residential call outs when the dispatched sewer operator determines the problem to be the homeowner’s responsibility, i.e. on the lateral line.
Returned Check Fee: $20
Late Charge: 5% of monthly bill (assessed on the 20th of each month)
Deposit: Maximum charge 2 ½ times the monthly bill.
DEQ Fees: Permit fee’s assessed by the Department of Environmental Quality
Commercial Sewer Service
Commercial rates are based on the volume of flow and the type of effluent being discharged. Therefore, each business will be calculated individually. Once a commercial application is submitted a customer service representative will contact you.