Commercial Applicant Information:
Have you been a customer of Louisiana Sewer Utilities, LLC?:YesNo
Property Owner or Renter*Property OwnerRenter
Address of Property Receiving Service:
Mailing Address? (If different than above)
Personal Information of Responsible Party:
Credit Card Information:
Type of Bank Card:*VisaMaster CardAmerican ExpressDiscover
Property Owners Information, if different from above:
Note: I understand and accept the following terms; Louisiana Sewer Utilities, LLC., will use this card information to to pay the initial new service deposit in the amount of $105.00, and will hold this card as a form of a payment guarantee. If at any time the above account has a past due balance of more than $125.00, Louisiana Sewer Utilities will use this information to bring the account current. I also understand and accept responsibility for all sewer charges incurred at the property above, as established by the Louisiana Public Service Commission, as described in the rate section of this website and on file with LPCS. By submitting this application, I acknowledge and accept the terms of the Application Agreement and company Terms of Service.
* All billing and collections are done through Utility Billing Services. * *